Monday, January 10, 2011

News on the Return to Civility | Verizon and AT&T B*tch-Slap Each Other

Recently on Daily Intel:

Wal-Mart Steps Up Its New York Propaganda War

A website seeks to mobilize supporters, but do supporters care enough to mobilize?

Make a Little Birdhouse in Your Soul

Man Has Good Response to Neighbors Who Complain About Birdcage-Covered House

"The bird saved my life."

Crazy in Arizona

Fidel Castro Has an Opinion on the Arizona Shooting

No one gave him the memo on the return to civility.

The Future Is Coming

Larry Page’s $45 Million Yacht Is Named Senses

Take that, Mark Zuckerberg!

Real Estate

Andre Balazs Trying to Buy the Hotel Chelsea?

That could be interesting.

Crazy in Arizona

In Glenn Beck’s Mind, Sarah Palin Is the Only Thing Keeping America Intact

"An attempt on you could bring the republic down."

Neighborhood News

The Simmering Rage of the Quiet Car

The war between those whose interpretation of quiet includes whispering and those who insist on absolute silence grows increasingly partisan.

The Future Is Coming

Tomorrow, MySpace Will Lay Off 550 to 600 Employees

It's the final countdown.

Gays of Our Lives

Johnny Weir: ‘I Don’t Celebrate Being White or Male, So Why Should I Celebrate Being Gay?’

The "controversial" figure-skating star opens up to Meredith Vieira.

Arizona Shooting

John Heilemann on the Political Language of Violence

"The thing that's more powerful is the emotions behind the words."

The Future Is Coming

Verizon and AT&T B*tch-Slap Each Other: The Coming iPhone War

The iPhone war a'cometh.

Crazy in Arizona

Watch President Obama Standing Very Still

He leads a nationwide moment of silence from the White House.

Tablet-Stained Wretches

Murdoch’s Tablet Tabloid, The Daily, to Debut Next Wednesday

Fire up your iPads!

Cable News News

Piers Morgan Will Have Howard Stern, George Clooney, and Rudy Giuliani in His First Weeks

Opening with a bang.

The Most Important People in the World

Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens Are Back Together

Making out in public: the new press release.


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