Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Alec Baldwin, Anti-Elitist | Michele Bachmann for President?

Recently on Daily Intel:
21 Questions

Kevin Allison Was Born With the ‘Queer’ But Without the ‘Eye’

The comedian and writer fills out our patented questionnaire.

The Future Is Coming

Facebook’s Russian Investor and Goldman Sachs Are Friends With Benefits

How would you like to legitimize my investments?


Arianna Huffington Gets Winklevii’d

She stole someone's idea! Maybe!

Early and Awkward

Alec Baldwin, Anti-Elitist

Not sure this is going to work.

Flawed Plans

Queens Woman Good at Acting, Bad at Kidnapping

Michelle Marie Gopaul's plan to steal a child goes awry.

Bachmann Ambition Overdrive

Michele Bachmann Might Make This the Best Presidential Election Ever

Because she might be in it, and she's nuts!

White House: The New Class

Robert Gibbs to Officially Step Down As Press Secretary

"He's had a six-year stretch now where basically he's been going 24/7 with relatively modest pay," says Obama.


Maybe Someone Should Have Wondered Why That Stripper/Doctor Needed Thousands and Thousands of Adderall Pills

Or not.

Loose Lips

WikiLeaks Ruins Diplomat’s Ability to Comment on Libyan Leader’s ‘Voluptuous Nurse’

It's like nobody cares about world peace anymore.

Taking a Stand

New Yorker Would Rather Get Hepatitis Than Wait in Line

Church folk get huffy.

Early and Often

GOP Plans to Use Derided ‘Demon Pass’ to Push Diminishing Goals

Harsh realities were faced, the status quo was embraced.

Real Estate

A Housing Double Dip in New York?

Everything you wanted to know about Case-Shiller but were afraid to ask.

All Engines Stop

Navy Deepens Probe Into Captain’s Lewd Videos

It's not just a job, it's an adventure.

Roughing the Passer

Jets Play Defense Against Favre-Suing Masseuses

In unrelated news, Joe Namath is still sorry.

Last Gasps

Menthol Makers Concoct Cool, Smooth Plan to Fight FDA

Hope you weren't planning to buy the domain.


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