Thursday, January 6, 2011

Lloyd Blankfein's Secret Facebook Feed | The House's Awkward Constitution Reading

Recently on Daily Intel:
We Feel Like We're Taking Crazy Pills

Birther Had an Awesome Time at the Constitution Reading

... Screaming things about Obama and Jesus.


Lloyd Blankfein’s Secret Facebook Feed

Contrary to what they'd like us to believe, Goldman Sachs employees have been on Facebook a long time.

Jesus Christie

Chris Christie to Break the Law Any Second Now

He just signed the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights into law.

Some Guys Have All the Luck

Wall Street Executive Wishes He Got to Be the One to Screw Over Facebook

Goldman always gets the good ones!

Awesome People

That Guy That Is Suing Arianna Huffington Is Also the Guy That Reportedly Got Between Dying Dennis Hopper and His Wife

These people are awesome.


Joe Biden Thought of a Joke and He Will Not Rest Until Everyone Has Heard It

Oh, God.


Williamsburg Hipsters Claim Theft When They Should Have Claimed Four Loko

Don't do the Four Loko time, if you're gonna claim a crime.

Health Carnage

Democrats Have Finally Decided to Defend That Health-Care Thing They Passed

Just when the CBO steps in with some helpful figures.

Loose Lips

In the End, Does Everyone He Works With End Up Hating Julian Assange?

He rubs people the wrong way.

Best Congress Ever!

The House’s Reading of the Constitution Gets Off to an Awkward Start

Democrats want to know why, exactly, we're not going to mention the slavery parts.

The Revolving Door

Larry Summers Heads to Bermuda to Hobnob With Hedge Funders

Obama's recently departed economic aide isn't wasting any time getting back into the swing of things.

Miracle on the Hudson

Miracle on the Hudson Plane Will Likely Retire to North Carolina

New York museums didn't think it was worth the effort.


Kitty Litter Lawsuit: ‘Cats Do Not Talk’

Just for the record.

International Intrigue

Iran Accuses American Woman of Spying With Her Teeth

But how much of this is true?

White House: The New Class

Volcker Steps Down As Obama Overhauls His Economic Team

The president is also expected to name Larry Summers's replacement.


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