Friday, January 7, 2011

Bloomberg Declares War on Snow | Remembering the Original Mad Woman

Recently on Daily Intel:

Bloomberg Really Making It Seem Like He Was Doing Something Embarrassing Over Blizzard Weekend

Despite criticism, the mayor refuses to reveal his whereabouts during the tsnownami.


Watching Selling New York With a Real Estate Reporter

These people look better on TV than they do in real life!

Jars of Tears

Breaking: Crying Not a Big Turn-On for Dudes

Men who sniffed jars containing women's tears were found to experience "drops in testosterone."


Andrew Cuomo Still Lives in His Father’s Google Shadow

The first result for "Governor Cuomo" goes to Mario.

Actual Heroes

Forget the Homeless Radio Guy, Actual Hero Is His Ex-Wife

We are glad we saved our worship.


Remembering Phyllis Robinson: The Original Mad Woman

"There were women writers before Phyllis, but they wrote about beauty products," he said. "At DDB, Phyllis had the authority to work on whatever the hell she wanted to, baby."


Former Investment Banker’s Human-Trafficking Business Is Booming

Mail-order brides are really cost-effective, aptly named Wharton grad Joseph Weiner explains.

Uncomfortable Stats

Thirty-Nine Percent of All New York City Pregnancies End in Abortion

Archbishop Timothy Dolan: not pleased.


Andrew Cuomo Speeches Are a Miserable, Harrowing Experience

Don't go to one without three layers of clothing.

Cable News News

In Annual Pre-Super Bowl Interview, Obama Will Sit Down With Bill O’Reilly

This is a missed opportunity.

The White Menace

Bloomberg Declares War on Snow

Mayor outlines a shock-and-awe campaign aimed at weather.

Everything They Touch Turns to Goldman

Goldman’s Leaked Memo to Rich Investors Exposes Facebook’s Actual Earnings

And the SEC's investigation.


Rudy Giuliani Still Playing the 2012 Speculation Game

The 'Post' reports that Giuliani is thinking about running, and the former mayor doesn't totally deny it.

Jobs Jobs Jobs

Unemployment Dips to 9.4 Percent

Good news! A little.

Loose Lips

U.S. Warns of Zillions More WikiThreats

And surprisingly they're not coming from Julian Assange's bizarre haircut.


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